Where does the time go? I swear I was just 25 and in grad school. .. and now, well, now I'm 30 and trying to figure out what in the heck happened to my twenties? Don't get me wrong, 30 is incredible. I'm looking forward to all that this decade has to offer. I'm in a much more settled place in my life than I was at 25, but there's something about my 25 year old self that I miss.
Anyhow, I've been on a mission to lose weight for years now. And somehow, year after year after year I find myself sitting here, in front of my computer on January 1 resolving to do x,y and z differently. This year I'm over resolutions and I'm all about goal setting. My boyfriend said it best, it's about setting small and measurable goals that we can track. I'm also realizing that the reasons that I want to lose weight are superficial and not based on creating a healthy lifestyle. I want to "get my sexy back" and fit into that new dress, opposed to being concerned about my blood pressure and cholesterol levels - like, forreal though, none of us are getting any younger so focusing on a healthy lifestyle, opposed to simply focusing on the numbers on the scale is what I'm focused on.
I've got goals, y'all. I'm trying to do some things in 2013. I mean, 2012 was good. It was a solid year and I had a ton of really notable accomplishments. I'm happy with 2012 but I want more for 2013.
Sometimes I feel as if my mind is running a million miles a minute. I've got my 9-5 which pays my bills and affords me the opportunity to handle what needs to be handled and much more, but I've also got my businesses that I'm trying to grow and cultivate. I want my businesses to thrive. I need them to. The 9-5 is cool for now, but there has got to be more.
Here are a list of my 2013 goals - I'll revisit them monthly to do a check-in with myself.
- Love harder
- Increase activity - whether it's the gym, yoga, walking, etc. Daily activity.
- Decrease processed crap from my diet
- Spend more time in my word
- Get involved in at least one ministry at church
- Re-launch the Cinderella for a Day program
- Practice random acts of kindness
- Get out of the 9-5 world
- Celebrate the small victories

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