
Sitting on the Sidelines

This past year has been so freaking amazing and so freaking tough at the same time. Amazing highs and humbling lows. I sit here some days wondering how in the heck I got here. To this unfamiliar place. There have been days when I'm like really God. I thought you had plans for me?

I had an epiphany recently. . .or rather the holy spirit kind of tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me that God hasn't forgotten about me. He's really been there through every season of my life, even in the seasons when I couldn't hear him clearly. He was with me at 26 after getting out of a crazy, overly emotional, draining relationship when I cried out to him for a husband. Granted, it took 3 + years of dating for Him to bring the promise to fruition but. . .heck, He was faithful. Not necessarily on my timeline, but faithful nonetheless. In March of this year I married my best friend, my ride or die. . .God's best for my life.

The holy spirit reminded me that when I prayed to get into grad school the Lord was faithful. When I prayed to pass my comp exam for grad school the Lord was faithful. When I got myself into so many stupid and silly situations and cried out to the Lord to help me. . .He was STILL faithful. And you know what, He didn't have to be. I put myself into that foolishness.

If you're like me in this season and you feel like you've been sitting on the sidelines I encourage you. .. no, I implore you to get up and get out there. God didn't bless you with all of those gifts and talents to sit idly by. Whatever dream He placed on your heart. Whatever promise the Lord has given you, He's faithful. It might not be on our schedule and it might require a little more effort than initially thought, but don't stop believin' (que the Journey music).

Trust me y'all. .. this blog is as much for me as it is for you. I hope it blesses you. Now, get up. . .get out and make some stuff happen. Nothing great was ever accomplished sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else do the work.

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